Toronto’s Most Recent Sampling Results
Kew Balmy (Adopt-a-Site): PASS 12/10/2024
Site A: 48.8 MPN
Site B: 53.8 MPN
Site C: 63.8 MPN
Site D: 52.0 MPN
Site E: 43.2 MPN
GEOMENAN: 51.9/100 MPN
Humber Bay Park West: PASS 10/08/2024
Site A: 4.1 MPN
Site B: 4.1 MPN
Site C: 7.5 MPN
Site D: 24.3 MPN
Site E: 21.1MPN
GEOMEAN: 9.2/100 MPN
Snake Island: PASS 07/24/2024
Site A: 3.1 MPN
Site B: 8.6 MPN
Site C: 5.2 MPN
Site D: 4.1 MPN
Site E: 3.1
GEOMEAN: 3.9/100 MPN
Algonquin Bridge: PASS 07/24/2024
Site A: 18.5 MPN
Site B: 12.2 MPN
SIte C: 2 MPN
SIte D: 2 MPN
Site E: 17.3 MPN
GEOMEAN: 5.6/100 MPN
Wards Dock: PASS 07/10/2024
Site A: 77.1 MPN
Site B: 49.6 MPN
Site C: 10.9 MPN
Site D: 11 MPN
Site E: 12.2 MPN
GEOMEAN: 20.9/100 MPN
Rees St. Slip: Historical Status
This site passed 78.6% of the samples taken in the 2023 sampling season and failed 21.4% of them.
Ontario Place (West): Historical Site
This site passed 78.9% of the samples taken in the 2023 sampling season and failed 21.1% of them.
Marina Four: Historical Status
This site passed 71.4% of the samples taken in the 2023 sampling season and failed 28.6% of them.
Bathurst Quay: Historical Status
This site passed 27.7% of the samples taken in the 2023 sampling season and failed 73.3% of them.
Ontario Place (South): Historical Site
This site passed 81.3% of the samples taken in the 2023 sampling season and failed 18.7% of them.
The Boulevard Club (Adopt-a-Site): Historical Status
This site passed 100% of the samples taken over the 2023 sampling season.
The Toronto Hub Results
The Toronto Hub and the City of Toronto follow the pre-2018 standards set by Ontario’s 2014 Provincial Water Quality Objectives, established by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. The pre-2018 Ontario recreational water quality standard states that a site fails to meet recreational water quality guidelines if the geometric mean (minimum of five samples) exceeds ≤ 100 E. coli/100 mL. Below you will see the E.coli results for each sample we take, the geomean of those samples, and if the site passed or failed based on this standard for the most recent results. If our sampling season has concluded you will see the historical status of the site and its pass rate for the most reason year.
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