What to do when you return to the lab
This video reviews the steps you take upon returning from the field. This includes steps for:
Completing your chain of custody form
Recording your temperature blank
Putting samples in the fridge
2. How to prepare your quanti-trays
This video reviews how to prep your quanti-trays before adding water samples to them. This includes how to properly clean your workspace and the correct method for labelling quanti-trays, and
2. How to prepare your water samples
This video reviews how to prep your water samples with Colilert
3. How to pour samples into the Quanti-tray
This video reviews how to pour your prepared samples into the designated quanti-tray
4. How to Seal Quanti-trays using the sealer
This video reviews how to seal your filled quanti-trays using the quanti-tray sealer. The video also reviews information on ensuring your samples are full enough
5. How to incubate your samples
This video reviews how to use the incubator. Remember, the incubator takes 30-45 minutes to warm up, so you’ll want to turn it on either before you leave the lab to collect samples, or right when you return to the lab.
This video also reviews the standards for how to stack quanti-trays in the incubator, and correctly space them for proper ventilation.
5. How to dilute your samples
This video reviews how to dilute a sample. We dilute samples when we believe the amount of e. coli in the sample is greater than 2419.6 MPN/100mL (the maximum possible count of a quanti-tray).
This video reviews the steps involved in sample dilution including how to label and record diluted samples and dilution ratios.