Swim Drink Fish Blog
Read the latest updates and news releases about community science, water monitoring, Artists for Water, and more.

Waterkeeper makes recommendations for improvements to Canadian radioactive waste management policy
Waterkeeper makes recommendations for improvements to Canadian radioactive waste management policy.

Waterkeeper submits comments on two Regulatory Oversight Reports to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
On November 16, Waterkeeper submitted two reports to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) which will be considered by Commission Members as part of their annual Regulatory Oversight Report (ROR) meeting in December.

Creating protected areas on the Toronto waterfront for open water swimming and more
It is more apparent every day just how much of a waterfront city Toronto is becoming. This summer proved that people are starved for accessible places to access the lake. Communities across the city are coming together to advocate for protected, accessible, and clean places to swim, paddle, and surf. One such group is the Friends of Cherry Beach.

Torontonians need more access to shorelines states 2019 Toronto Water Monitoring Report
Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has release our 4th annual report, Toronto Water Monitoring Report: A SwimmableTO.

The Citizen Scientists of the Toronto Monitoring Hub
The 2020 Toronto Monitoring Hub coordinator, Alysse Mathalon celebrates a few of the volunteer citizen scientists who dedicated their time to the Toronto Hub this year.

Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Hannah McDonald from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Hannah McDonald from Waterkeeper‘s Kingston Water Monitoring Hub. As the Citizen Science Monitoring Hub Coordinator at the Kingston hub, Hannah routinely samples Kingston’s waterfront, analyzes the water samples, and shares the water quality data with you on Swim Guide.

Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Sadie Caron from Swim Drink Fish
For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Sadie Caron from Swim Drink Fish. As Western Programs Manager, Sadie ensures the Vancouver Water Monitoring Hub is routinely sampling Vancouver’s waterfront, analyzing the water samples, and sharing the water quality data with you on Swim Guide. Here is their conversation.

Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Alysse Mathalon from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Alysse Mathalon from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and Swim Drink Fish. As the Water Quality Monitoring Hub Coordinator, Alysse ensures the Toronto Water Monitoring Hub is routinely sampling Toronto’s waterfront, analyzing the water samples, and sharing the water quality data with you on Swim Guide. Here is their conversation.
Checking In: @waterkeepermark and the Kingston Water Monitoring Hub
This summer, Swim Drink Fish and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper launched the new Kingston Water Monitoring Hub. Watch this Checking In video to learn more about the hub from Mark Mattson, Swim Drink Fish President and Waterkeeper, and Hannah McDonald, Kingston Community Monitoring Hub Assistant.