Take the pledge. Bead the difference!

"I pledge to not purchase items containing microbeads."

Look for these substances listed in the ingredients: polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and nylon.

* We will never trade, sell, or publish your name. 

Tiny plastic particles used to exfoliate and scrub away dead skin cells are making their way through our sewer systems and into our lakes and rivers. This happens because microbeads are too small for our sewer systems to filter.  

Why is this bad?

  • Microbeads are in our food chain. Fish and smaller aquatic life are eating microbeads because they mistake the tiny beads for food.
  • Microbeads are killing smaller aquatic life. Plastic is not digestible. It clogs the intestines of smaller species, causing them to starve.
  • Microplastics transport toxins and invasive species. Invasive species and toxic substances cling to plastics. When the plastics move around in the water, they transport these nasty things.

How can you protect the Great Lakes?

  1. Take the pledge. Make a promise to us, to yourself, to your loved ones, and to your waters to stop purchasing items that contain microbeads.
  2. Share this on Facebook and Twitter with your family and friends. Ask them to take the pledge too! A lot of people don’t even realize how their soaps and cleansers are harming our lake.

Statement on Federal Court ruling on Life-extension of Darlington Reactors (Press Release)


Toronto’s beach renaissance