Swim Drink Fish Blog
Read the latest updates and news releases about community science, water monitoring, Artists for Water, and more.

Take the pledge. Bead the difference!
Take the pledge. Make a promise to us, to yourself, to your loved ones, and to your waters to stop purchasing items that contain microbeads.

Congratulations to our September Winner, Rich Wallin!
Last month, we asked you to recall where your greatest memory of water took place.

Chow down on this month’s challenge!
Friends, it's time to eat! As we celebrate the month of Thanksgiving, please show us the tasty, scrumptious Fall delights that your watershed gave to you.

Where did your greatest memory of water take place?
Think of your greatest memory of water. Were you fishing with your family? Swimming in the ocean? Or, are your memories of water connected to polluted beaches, contaminated drinking water, a spill or accident? No matter where you come from or who you are, water has left its mark on your life.

@Zombielle loves Presqu’ile Provincial Park
Congratulations to @Zombielle who tweeted her #ONParksLove for Presqu’ile Provincial Park! Thank you to everyone who participated. Your photos were great!

August's Waterbody Challenge: Share your love for Ontario’s Parks!
With lush green forests, sand dunes, and precious freshwaters, Ontario’s parks are a treasure. Post your photo on Twitter and use #ONParkLove so we can see the park or park memory that you love most. This month, let’s celebrate Ontario’s incredible landscape. Looking forward to seeing what you all post! Good luck guys!

Sh’aura loves Georgian Bay, and she’s our March challenge hero
We loved Sh’aura’s story because she instinctively did what most people do: tried to share the waterbody she loves with others. She invited us to her Bay, to see what she sees, and to enjoy what she enjoys. The joy of shared exploration is the foundation of the Waterbody Challenge.