Environmental Laws need more law

Click on the image to register for the webinar. 

Hundreds of people from across the province voice environmental concerns to Gord Miller – the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.

This is why I love reading his annual report.

As an independent ombudsman, the Commissioner’s summary is not only revealing but influential. He is not ruled by politics. His job is to uphold the Environmental Bill of Rights and advise the province on how to best improve.  

One section that grabbed my attention: The ECO’s review on the MOE’s Compliance Policy.

"An over-reliance on a soft approach can create a perception that the ministry does not take enforcement seriously, which can allow a culture of non-compliance to develop." --Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

There is no question that enforcement is an important issue, and one that deserves more discussion. When compliance is voluntary, environmental laws lose meaning.

This is just one reason today’s webinar with the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario is so important. You can join him at 1pm.

Download the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s
2013/14 Annual Report


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