Gala Blog #1: May we have your attention, please?

Setting up for the 2014 Waterkeeper Gala. (Photo: Lake Ontario Waterkeeper)

What would you do with 96,000 minutes of public attention?

That’s the equivalent of 738 movies, 685 hockey games, or 1,600 episodes of an evening news broadcast.

That’s also the question we asked ourselves when we started planning the 2015 Waterkeeper Gala Toronto.

With its glossy veneer, the guest list, and the fine art auction, the gala is obviously a fundraiser. (It does raise half the revenue for our core programs.)

But the night itself is much more than just “a gala."

The night is 400 people focusing 1,600 hours of talent, intellect, experience, and resources on the cause closest to our hearts: water.

Over the course of the coming weeks, we’ll share the behind-the-scenes look at the making of Toronto’s foremost fundraiser for clean water. We’ll reveal our hopes for your 96,000 minutes of attention. And you’ll see how different groups of people from a variety of sectors come together to shape the future in a single evening.

The Waterkeeper Gala Toronto is presented by RBC Blue Water Project. It takes place April 23, 2015 at the Canadian Broadcasting Centre (CBC).



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