Love Toronto's waterways? Join Toronto Recreational Water Users Group!

It’s finally spring. That means the ice is gone from Toronto’s lakes, creeks, and rivers. Soon you’ll be able to get back in the water to enjoy all of your favourite recreational water activities.

The best way to stay on top of all things related to Toronto’s recreational water opportunities and concerns is to follow our Toronto Recreational Water Users on Facebook. As we share your love of Toronto’s waters, we want to encourage and protect your enjoyment of the city’s waterways.

The Toronto Recreational Water Users Group is a Lake Ontario Waterkeeper program for recreational water users and groups in the Toronto area.  Our goal with the group is to keep Toronto residents up to date on water quality issues that directly affect their health and the health of their waterways.

We share the information recreational water users need to know, such as current local water quality, extreme weather events, sewage bypasses, and tips on how to protect their health from contaminated water. We also share information on the many fantastic recreational water events and opportunities that are happening in the Toronto area.

Learn more about the program here.



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