Swim Drink Fish Blog

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4 Reasons Why You're Not at the Beach Right Now
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4 Reasons Why You're Not at the Beach Right Now

People love beaches. One in four Canadians will visit a beach this year. One in three Canadians says that their fondest memories of outdoor activities involve water. We love beaches so much that we will spend 13 weeks of our lives at the beach. This begs the question - why aren’t we all at the beach right now?

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Love Toronto's waterways? Join Toronto Recreational Water Users Group!
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Love Toronto's waterways? Join Toronto Recreational Water Users Group!

It’s finally spring. That means the ice is gone from Toronto’s lakes, creeks, and rivers. Soon you’ll be able to get back in the water to enjoy all of your favourite recreational water activities. What's the best way to stay on top of all things related to Toronto’s recreational water?

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