Are Sewage Spill Alerts and Real-Time Monitoring Coming to Ontario?

The Ontario government unveiled its Preserving and Protecting our Environment for Generations: A Made-In-Ontario Environment Plan this week. You can have your say through the Environmental Registry for public comment through to January 2019.

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, a Swim Drink Fish Initiative, has yet to review the plan in its entirety, but understands through the summary on the registry that sewage spill alerts and real-time monitoring may be coming to Ontario communities. This action, is something Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has been calling for, for a long time. If the rules are clear and enforceable, it could be a crucial turning point for Great Lakes communities.

Look through the full Environment Plan. Lake Ontario Waterkeeper will provide further context to it’s analysis through the Environmental Registry submission and share with you. As mentioned, we’ve been working on these issues for a long time and our most recent Toronto Harbour Report is here. As well, our cases on Sewage Bypass Alerts.

Swim Drink Fish was glad to see recognition for the work in Kingston on the Gord Edgar Downie Pier. This plan covers more than just our work to connect people to water, though. Consume the entire report that covers climate change, waste, soil, and parks and conservation lands. Please, give your opinion through the Environmental Registry comment process.


Submission to Ontario government to protect integrity of Environmental Commissioner's office


A letter to Mayor Tory about Waterkeeper's Toronto Harbour Monitoring Report