A letter to Mayor Tory about Waterkeeper's Toronto Harbour Monitoring Report

On November 7, 2018, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper released its third annual Toronto Harbour Monitoring Report in front of Toronto’s vibrant waterfront community.

At the launch event Waterkeeper presented its five recommendations for the City of Toronto as well as a letter to Mayor John Tory outlining the importance of those recommendations. Sixty five waterfront community members signed onto Waterkeeper’s letter to the mayor.

The city is in a defining moment. It can embrace the harbour’s water quality problems or it can let sewage pollution alienate people from the shoreline for years to come.

Interested in talking to your city councillor about sewage pollution in Toronto Harbour? Waterkeeper drafted a template letter here.

As you help Toronto’s waterfront community continue the conversation about sewage pollution, consider reading the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s report urging the Ontario government to eliminate sewage pollution in our waterways.

Here is Waterkeeper’s letter to Mayor John Tory:


Are Sewage Spill Alerts and Real-Time Monitoring Coming to Ontario?


Environmental Commissioner urges the Ontario government to eliminate sewage pollution