Toronto Harbour seeing effects of rising Lake Ontario water levels

Lake Ontario’s swim season has arrived during record high water levels. As you spend more time by the water, you will notice how these water levels impact your favourite waterfront destinations.

Lake Ontario - like all Great Lakes - is dynamic. Great Lakes Guide’s Meghan Callon recently wrote about the 6 things you should know about water levels in the Great Lakes. Since that article was written, current water levels are now the highest ever recorded.

During swim season, or ‘recreational water season’, you can see thousands of people enjoying Toronto Harbour. It is a popular destination for boaters, paddlers, and sailors. It is also one place you can witness Lake Ontario’s high water levels.

The photos of Toronto Harbour, below, were captured between May 29-31, 2019.

This swim season, Waterkeeper is calling on you to help document these historic water levels. By taking and sharing photographs you are capturing important evidence.

The Swim Guide app’s photo submission tool is an easy way to archive your photos in the Swim Drink Fish database. Your photos help track changes over time. You can also share your photos online by tagging #swimdrinkfish, like our Waterkeeper and President, Mark Mattson.

Share your photos with the Swim Drink Fish movement today.

The start of swim season also means Waterkeeper’s Toronto Water Monitoring team is back. To join this amazing team of citizen scientists, start by enrolling in a Water Sampling Training Session.

Want to join the Toronto Harbour Monitoring Team? Click here.


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Swim Drink Fish submission for Ontario’s environment plan