Clean Water Workshop: Leslie Street Spit

This memo is a thorough compilation of the research that Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s Clean Water Workshop students completed in 2010 and 2011 on the Leslie Street Spit, an active construction waste dump extending into Lake Ontario. This memo begins with the history of the Spit and jurisdictional details to give context to the following sections on environmental ramifications and legal mechanisms.

The Clean Water Workshop and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper are interested in the lake-filling practices on the Spit due to the environmental consequences of these practices on the water quality of Lake Ontario and the surrounding ecosystems. The “Environmental Impacts” section gives a broad description of the effects of lake-filling.

Read the full Leslie Street Spit memo here.

Here's what you'll find in this memo:


Facts and Background

History of the Leslie Street Spit (Eastern Headland)

What is lakefilling? Is the Leslie Street Spit a lakefill?

Who Owns the Spit?

The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority [TRCA]

The Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario)

The Toronto Port Authority [TPA]

Future of the Spit

Relevant Legislation

Overview of Potential Impacts on the Lake

Chemical Effects

Physical Effects

Embayment Habitats

Longshore Drift

Sedimentation and Turbidity

Physical Effects of Dredging

Appendix: Maps




Secondary Materials


Fool's gold


Waterkeeper submits comments on Darlington nuclear station refurbishment