Fool's gold

Re: Gold Runs In Their Veins, Joe O'Connor, Aug. 13.

Your profile piece on gold prospecting refers to Ontario's first great gold rush in 1866. That discovery turned out to be significant in the history of mining in Canada, in part because of the vast inventory of toxic materials discharged into the local waterway and left around the site of the discovery.

Today, the Deloro mine site is regarded as one of Canada's most contaminated sites. Managing the waste and cleaning it up, which finally commenced about a month ago, has become an expensive endeavour for the Ontario government, which took over the site in 1979.

High prices for gold and other metals are driving exploration and mining booms across the country. We should be mindful to ensure that our water resources are protected and that developers are held accountable for any wastes they generate.

Mark Mattson, president, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, Toronto.

via Fool's gold.


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