Darlington nuclear project kills fish, wastes water: Waterkeeper warns federal commission

December 3, 2012 (COURTICE, ON) - Ontario’s $10-billion Darlington nuclear rebuild project will needlessly kill millions of fish and waste enormous amounts of water, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is warning the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.

On the first day of hearings into Ontario Power Generation’s nuclear refurbishment project, one of the main issues of concern has been the plant’s antiquated cooling water system.

Darlington nuclear power plant sucks up enough Lake Ontario water to drain an Olympic-sized swimming pool in just 15 seconds. It does this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to keep the nuclear reactors cool. In the process, millions of fish, eggs, and larvae are crushed and killed.

“Darlington nuclear kills fish. Lots of them. The only reason the plant kills fish is because Canada’s nuclear safety regulator has been unwilling to tell Ontario Power Generation it’s time to join the 21st Century,” says Waterkeeper Mark Mattson.

“Modern technology would save millions of fish. The government agrees this is true. The infuriating thing is that they just don’t think fish in Lake Ontario are worth saving,” Mattson continues.

Waterkeeper staff counsel Joanna Bull and US attorney and cooling water specialist Edan Rotenberg spoke on behalf of Lake Ontario Waterkeeper this afternoon. Full speaking notes are available upon request.


For media inquiries please contact

Allie Kosela, Outreach Coordinator @ Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

(416) 861-1237



Everything's changed


Waterkeeper's presentation to the CNSC, Darlington Refurbishment hearing