Swim Drink Fish Blog

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Darlington Refurbishment Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper Darlington Refurbishment Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

Waterkeeper submits concerns with Darlington Refurbishment Follow-Up Program

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission invited the public to comment on a draft follow-up program for the refurbishment of the Darlington Nuclear Power Plant.  Here's what we said:

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has concerns about the Project, the Follow-Up Program, and this review process. We are very concerned about the environmental impacts of the Project, and we are not at all satisfied that the Follow-Up Program will protect Lake Ontario.

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Darlington Refurbishment Allie Kosela Darlington Refurbishment Allie Kosela

MEDIA ADVISORY: Hearing into Darlington nuclear refurbishment begins Monday, interview opportunities available

“There is no evidence that refurbishing Darlington nuclear is the right choice for Ontario,” says Waterkeeper Mark Mattson. “Unfortunately, no one is willing to talk about whether Ontarians really need this project. So on Monday, it is Waterkeeper’s job to show up and remind people that the Darlington nuclear plant kills fish. It wastes water. And it doesn’t have to be this way.”

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Darlington Refurbishment Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper Darlington Refurbishment Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

Waterkeeper comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment Screening Report - Refurbishment and Continued Operation of the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station

The weaknesses and omissions contained in the Report cast a shadow over the entire environmental assessment process. Neither the EIS nor the Draft Screening Report provides a reasonable or credible basis for evaluating the environmental effects of Darlington’s once-through cooling system. The Report demonstrates that OPG, the CNSC, and DFO are either unwilling or unable to mitigate harm to fish and fish habitat on Lake Ontario. In light of these failings, Waterkeeper submits that a legitimate, reasonable, and informed decision is impossible without an independent, thorough review panel process.

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TO Island Airport Guest User TO Island Airport Guest User

Concerns voiced over Island Airport EA

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper became concerned about the future of the Toronto Harbour when the Port Authority announced it wanted to build a bridge to the Toronto Island Airport. The bridge would help to expand airport activities - something that alarmed area residents. The bridge would also create a navigation problem for the many sailors, boaters, and tour boat companies that rely on the Western Gap to enter and exit the harbour.

We read the environmental assessment reports and found serious problems with the project. We also found the decision-making process to be flawed. This letter relays our concerns to the Toronto Port Authority. 

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