Waterkeeper comments on latest rollback to CEAA - "Designated Project" Regulations

In 2012, extensive and devastating changes were made to the Canadian environmental assessment process through the repeal of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, and its replacement by CEAA, 2012.

In April 2013, the proposed “Regulations Amending the Regulations Designating Physical Activities” under CEAA, 2012 were posted for public review. The proposed regulation decreases environmental protection even further, leaving Canadians at risk.

Specifically, the proposed regulation:

  • Eliminates assessments of major projects at existing facilities, including decommissionings.
  • Eliminates federal review of a long list of projects with the potential for negative environmental impacts.
  • Relies on Ministerial designation as a “safety net”, without giving the Minister or the public the means or opportunity to designate projects.
  • Is part of a broader pattern of rollbacks to environmental law and policy in Canada.

Read Waterkeeper's full comment on the proposed regulations here.


Speaking notes: Joanna Bull to the Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals


Media Advisory: Waterkeeper and CELA to Intervene at Supreme Court