Swim Drink Fish Blog

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Canadian rollbacks Guest User Canadian rollbacks Guest User

Recommendations to the Government of Canada to strengthen federal environmental law

In June 2017, the Government of Canada released a Discussion Paper asking Canadians to submit comments that will improve federal protections for the environment. The Paper marks the one-year mark in an ongoing review of environmental assessment, energy, nuclear, fisheries, and navigation laws in Canada. Our response focuses on our high-level response to the Discussion Paper. In particular, we share our concerns about the lack of progress being made to protect navigation rights in Canada.

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Canadian rollbacks Mark Mattson Canadian rollbacks Mark Mattson

Waterkeeper comments on latest rollback to CEAA - "Designated Project" Regulations

Waterkeeper writes to the Government of Canada warning them that proposed changes to federal environmental assessment rules pose a threat to the environment and to Canadians. The changes are part of a broader dismantling of environmental law and science. They eliminate reviews for major industrial developments and fail to offer the public any kind of safety net to prevent serious environmental problems.

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TO Island Airport Guest User TO Island Airport Guest User

Waterkeeper comments on the proposal to ban a bridge to Toronto Islands

The "fixed link issue" is about much more than merely building a bridge to an island. As Waterkeeper noted in our comments during the environmental assessment, to build the link is to fortify the TCCA?s foothold on toronto's waterfront. The EA process did little to justify the continued operations of an airport in our harbour, which was the real crux of the issue.

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