Lake Ontario Waterkeeper brings Swimmable Water Weekend to Southern Ontario, July 26 - 28, 2013

For Release: July 22, 2013

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper brings Swimmable Water Weekend to Southern Ontario, July 26 - 28, 2013

(Toronto, ON) -- Swimmable Water Weekend is coming to Southern Ontario. Between July 26 and 28, people will be heading out to beaches and swimming holes to capture their perspective on “swimmable water” in a photo. The images will be shared through social media with the hashtag #swimmablewater and will be used to create a unique photo essay about water around the world.

“The act of swimming - or simply taking your family to the beach for a day - is an important part of summer in Southern Ontario. We have one weekend to come together and show the world what our beaches and swimming holes mean to us. I can’t wait to see what people come up with,” says Mark Mattson, President of Lake Ontario Waterkeeper.

Started by members of Waterkeeper Alliance in 2012, Swimmable Water Weekend is a global celebration of the importance of clean water in our communities. More than 200 communities in 20 different countries are expected to participate in events and social media activities to raise awareness for water issues.

People are asked to share a photo with the hashtag #swimmablewater on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Torontonians can also celebrate in person with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and Patagonia at Ward’s Island Beach on Saturday, July 27 from 11 am - 3 pm.

“When we say ‘swimmable’, we mean that water is clean, that it poses no risk to humans or wildlife. Whether you swim, paddle, surf, wade, or even fish, you need to know the water you touch won’t make you sick. By sharing your perspective on swimmable water with the world, you help to raise awareness for the importance of clean water,” says Mattson.

Swimmable Water Weekend photos from all over the world are being aggregated online at

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Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is a grassroots charity dedicated to a lake where you can swim, drink, and fish:

Waterkeeper Swim Guide is a free website and smartphone app that helps users in Canada and the USA find 5,000 beaches and check for the latest water quality results:


Allie Kosela

Community Outreach Manager

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

(416) 861-1237


4 Waterkeeper groups submit comments on Enbridge's Line 9 reversal proposal


Ready for Swimmable Water Weekend?