Activists launch suit in federal court over ability to oppose proposed pipeline projects - The Globe and Mail

According to the Globe and Mail, a new law suit is "taking aim at Enbridge Inc.'s plan to reverse a pipeline, Line 9B, that now runs from Montreal to southwestern Ontario, to connect with existing lines and ship western oil to refineries in Quebec." The suit alleges that new rules under the National Energy Board Act unfairly limit public participation.

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper filed a comment on the proposal last week noting concerns regarding potential serious and irreversible environmental harm.

Toronto lawyer Clayton Ruby, who is handling the suit, said he will argue that the Conservative government deliberately and arbitrarily sought to limit the ability of oil-industry critics to have their voices heard before an appropriate public body. And as a result, its legislation infringes on Charter freedoms.

Article via: Activists launch suit in federal court over ability to oppose proposed pipeline projects - The Globe and Mail.

Access the expert evidence by Equiterre here.

Read the ForestEthics suit backgrounder here.


Waterkeeper submits concerns with Darlington Refurbishment Follow-Up Program


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