Swim Drink Fish Blog

Read the latest updates and news releases about community science, water monitoring, Artists for Water, and more.

Lake Ontario shark vs aquatic fire-breathing dragon
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

Lake Ontario shark vs aquatic fire-breathing dragon

We all need to go outside more often. Peer under the water and look for fish. Peek under rocks and look for bugs. Get to know what lives in the world around us. Perhaps you'll be the one to spot a shark or the mysterious Gaasyendietha next time.

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What happened to Earth Day?
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

What happened to Earth Day?

Earth Day 1970 changed the world. Twenty-million Americans took to the streets to demonstrate their support for environmental protection. It was the largest demonstration in U.S. history, and it emphasized people’s desire for clean air and water.

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Guest User Guest User

Our new website is up and running (mostly)

Over the next few days we will be migrating most of the content from our old website - bear with us, because we have worked on a lot of projects over the last thirteen years! Want to send us some feedback? Click here.

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