Waterkeeper submits comments on Ontario's Long Term Energy Plan & Conservation Strategy

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is concerned with the content of the proposed Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP) and “Conservation First” Strategy. Both the current LTEP and Conservation Strategy are not evidence-based, they do not breed transparency or accountability, and they are too political.

Waterkeeper is also unsatisfied with the superficial public engagement processes provided this summer during the comments period for the plan and strategy. As a result, Ontario’s energy “plan” promises that the the quality of our natural environment will continue to decline, that communities will continue to experience conflict over energy projects, that the province will lag behind other parts of the world in energy innovation, and that the interests of energy consumers will not be protected.

Waterkeeper believes the only way forward for Ontario energy policy is a new IPSP, with accompanying public hearings, that is subject to a full environmental assessment.

Read our full submission to the Ministry of Energy here.


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