Comments re: Pickering B Nuclear Facility Refurbishment Environmental Screening Report

Please find enclosed Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s written comments on the above- mentioned matter. 

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper wishes to intervene by way of written submission and oral presentation on December 10, 2008.


This submission outlines Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s comments and concerns regarding CNSC staff’s recommendations regarding the Environmental Assessment Screening Report (EASR) for the proposed refurbishment of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station B (PNGS B). The EASR became available for public comment on October 7, 2008. The proposed refurbishment encompasses four CANDU pressurized heavy water reactors at PNGS B. If approved, the refurbishment could allow continued operation of the reactors until 2060.

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper submits that the proposed refurbishment will cause adverse environmental effects that either cannot be mitigated or will not be mitigated by measures described in the EASR.


1. The CNSC must refuse to issue a license to OPG for life extension and refurbishment of the Pickering B Nuclear Generating Station because, taking into account the implementation of any mitigation measures that the responsible authority considers appropriate, the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be justified in these circumstances.

2. In the alternative, the CNSC must refer the matter to a review panel because it is uncertain whether the project, taking into account the implementation of any mitigation measures that the responsible authority considers appropriate, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Read our original submission to Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission here.


MEDIA ALERT: Lake Ontario Waterkeeper Comments on Pickering Nuclear Life Extension


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