Clarification regarding outstanding approvals for construction of Fixed Link

In October, 2003, there was a lot of confusion surrounding the status of the bridge to the Toronto Island airport. Waterkeeper sent the letter below to Lisa Raitt, head of the Toronto Port Authority looking for clarification:

October 22, 2003

RE: Clarification regarding outstanding approvals for construction of Fixed Link

Dear Ms. Raitt,

Further to our final comment on the Fixed Link EA (September 15, 2003), I am writing to clarify the status of outstanding approvals and amendments required in order to construct a fixed link to the Toronto Island Airport.

The Toronto Port Authority has indicated in its press release of October 16, 2003 that Navigable Waters Protection and Fisheries Act permits are pending, and that a change to the Toronto Port Authority?s Letters Patent will be made.

In its response to our final comment, both online and in personal correspondence, the Toronto Port Authority indicated that it, has agreed to satisfy certain conditions, including conditions established by agreement between the TPA, the City of Toronto and the federal government. This response was prompted by our questions regarding the status of amendments to the Tripartite Agreement and the Toronto Port Authority's progress in meeting the conditions set out by the City of Toronto.

The Toronto Port Authority stated in its October 16 press release that, "There is no legal, procedural or environmental reason to delay the commencement of construction of the bridge". Yet, no information regarding the satisfaction of these conditions or the status of approvals has been posted to the "Current Status" update section of the TPA?s web site, nor has Lake Ontario Waterkeeper received any notice of progress.

To our knowledge, the Tripartite Agreement still prohibits the construction of a fixed link and the Toronto Port Authority has not yet provided the stormwater treatment plan requested by the City of Toronto in its conditional approval of the project.

We would appreciate a clarification on these matters at your earliest possible convenience.

Yours truly,

Krystyn Tully Executive Director


Urgent Request to Minister of Transport


Sampling in Sarnia and Waterloo