Swim Drink Fish Blog
Read the latest updates and news releases about community science, water monitoring, Artists for Water, and more.
Recommendations to the Government of Canada to strengthen federal environmental law
In June 2017, the Government of Canada released a Discussion Paper asking Canadians to submit comments that will improve federal protections for the environment. The Paper marks the one-year mark in an ongoing review of environmental assessment, energy, nuclear, fisheries, and navigation laws in Canada. Our response focuses on our high-level response to the Discussion Paper. In particular, we share our concerns about the lack of progress being made to protect navigation rights in Canada.
Government responds to committee report on navigation rights
The government proposes additional consultations and changes that will strengthen the legislation.
Parliamentary Committee releases report on navigation protection review
The report contains eleven recommendations to the federal government, but it does advocate for the significant changes recommended by environmental and Indigenous experts.

Boat show stories inspired our latest letter to Transport Canada to protect navigation rights in Canada
Thanks to some powerful stories and great conversations at the recent Toronto International Boat Show, we were able to submit one more letter to Transport Canada to help protect your environmental rights.
Submission to Transport Canada on navigation rights in Canada
Thanks to some powerful stories and great conversations at the recent Toronto International Boat Show, we were able to submit one more letter to Transport Canada to help protect your environmental rights.

Navigation Protection Act: open for public comment
In response to overwhelming feedback from the community and First Nations organizations, the Government of Canada has extended its review of navigation rights.

Waterkeeper's submission on the Navigation Protection Act Review
On Wednesday, November 30, 2016, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper submitted comments to the Government of Canada on changes made to the Navigation Protection Act (formerly, the Navigable Waters Protection Act) – one of Canada’s oldest laws. Here are Waterkeeper's 5 recommendations to the Committee.

Did you know this is a monumental week for your swimmable drinkable fishable water?
Today, I am sharing something I have never shared outside our office before. Why? Because events are unfolding this week that will affect millions of Canadians for years to come. And I thought you’d want to know.
Born with a Grey Beard: Canada's Navigable Waters Protection Act
Navigation is not a recreational pursuit. It is not an economic pursuit. It is the act of converting the gifts of oneʼs physical surroundings into pleasure, freedom, wealth, or survival. Navigation is an act of citizenship.
Urgent Request to Minister of Transport
In Fall 2003, there was much confusion surrounding the future of the bridge to the Toronto Island Airport. Lake Ontario Waterkeeper sent this urgent letter to the Minister of Transportation requesting clarification.