Press Release: Car dealerships take charge on water quality

Toronto Honda and Toronto Kia reduce pollution to Lake Ontario

TORONTO - Toronto Honda and Toronto Kia launched a new campaign to improve Lake Ontario water quality, in collaboration with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. Skip the Wash, Save the Lake reduces water pollution and the number of car washes at both dealerships.


“These dealerships demonstrate the power of local business,” said Mark Mattson, President, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. “Every winter, Lake Ontario and its watershed get an influx of road salt - this campaign reduce that pollution.”


Toronto’s sewer system collects rainwater and snow melt, and runoff from activities like car washing. This runoff contains pollutants. If it enters the city’s storm sewers, the pollution flows to Lake Ontario, untreated. Pollutants, like road salt, can kill plankton and other food sources for fish.


“Small changes to our operations can benefit the environment,” Jordan Ison, Co-Owner, Toronto Honda and Toronto Kia said. “We’ve skipped the wash because it’s the right thing to do. When we decided to make a change, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper was an obvious collaborator.”


“Customers at our dealerships won’t notice a big change,” Stacey Ison, Co-owner, Toronto Honda and Toronto Kia, said. “All our services are the same, except the car wash. Washing your car less often, especially during winter months, makes a difference for the lake.”


About Toronto Honda

Toronto Honda is one of Canada’s largest volume Honda dealers, owned and operated by Jordan and Stacey Ison. Located at 2300 Danforth Avenue, Toronto Honda is a full-service dealership.


About Toronto Kia

Toronto Kia, located at 2222 Danforth Avenue in Toronto, used an innovative storefront design to fit into its downtown location - a first for Kia Canada. Toronto Kia is a full-service dealership owned an operated by Jordan and Stacey Ison.


About Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper inspires and stokes water watchers in its watershed. Its purpose is to safeguard swimmable, drinkable, fishable water for every person in the Lake Ontario watershed through grassroots participation. 


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Mark Mattson, President and Waterkeeper
(416) 861-1237 |


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