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Enbridge-Line9 Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper Enbridge-Line9 Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

4 Waterkeeper groups submit comments on Enbridge's Line 9 reversal proposal

Enbridge is proposing a change to its oil pipeline, most of which runs through the Lake Ontario watershed. Four Waterkeepers collaborated on this submission, sharing four major concerns: Leaks or spills from Line 9 have the potential to cause serious and irreversible harm to the environment. Pipeline breaches can occur for a variety of reasons, allowing material to enter the environment. Enbridge has a record of failing to prevent major leaks and spills and failing to respond to spills in a timely manner. Leaks or spills from this pipeline can and should be prevented. Enbridge must be held accountable for any leaks or spills from this pipeline. 
Read our complete submission here.

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