Swim Drink Fish Blog

Read the latest updates and news releases about community science, water monitoring, Artists for Water, and more.

Restoring our Great Lakes connection in 2018
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

Restoring our Great Lakes connection in 2018

When you live in the Great Lakes region, water shapes your daily life. Your health, your home and your job are a product of the lakes.This movement will help take us from an era of destruction to an era of restoration.

Here's a look at what our Great Lakes Community will talk about in 2018.

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The 6 qualities of a water leader
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

The 6 qualities of a water leader

I’ve been asked this question over and over again and I always come back to the same notion: the people who make the smartest choices for their communities are the ones who understand their personal connection to water. But who are they? And what qualifies them to lead?

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Introducing the National Water Centre and the Watermark Project
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

Introducing the National Water Centre and the Watermark Project

With the first announcement of the “Watermark Project”, the National Water Centre is asserting that discovering, collecting and sharing watermarks is in our national interest. The Project aims to capture 35-million watermarks in the coming years (one for every Canadian).

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Lake Ontario shark vs aquatic fire-breathing dragon
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

Lake Ontario shark vs aquatic fire-breathing dragon

We all need to go outside more often. Peer under the water and look for fish. Peek under rocks and look for bugs. Get to know what lives in the world around us. Perhaps you'll be the one to spot a shark or the mysterious Gaasyendietha next time.

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Toronto residents need alerts when City dumps sewage into Lake Ontario, argues Waterkeeper in new legal application (Press Release)
Toronto Sewage Bypasses Allie Kosela Toronto Sewage Bypasses Allie Kosela

Toronto residents need alerts when City dumps sewage into Lake Ontario, argues Waterkeeper in new legal application (Press Release)

For Immediate Release - The City of Toronto has a sewage problem that could affect public health says Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. The organization’s co-founders filed a legal application with the Province of Ontario today asking the city to issue alerts when it bypasses sewage into public waterways.

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Reflections on GroundSwell
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

Reflections on GroundSwell

I talked about each individual's personal connection to water. After I spoke, Teri Morrow of the Six Nations of the Grand River shared her poem "She resides there". I thought it was the perfect end to the event and asked her if we could share it here.

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