Swim Drink Fish Blog

Read the latest updates and news releases about community science, water monitoring, Artists for Water, and more.

The difference heavy rain can make in Toronto’s inner harbour
TorontoHarbour Monitoring Ruby Pajares TorontoHarbour Monitoring Ruby Pajares

The difference heavy rain can make in Toronto’s inner harbour

We know that rain can have an effect on water quality. This is particularly relevant to recreational water users and why we believe monitoring Toronto’s inner harbour is so important. As we are in the midst of our water sampling effort, we only have lab results from our first water sampling excursion. But after last night's heavy rain, we can draw some comparisons to provide perspective.

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Help us create a Swimmable Lake Ontario
Amy Wilford Amy Wilford

Help us create a Swimmable Lake Ontario

Only a small fraction of Toronto’s waterfront is monitored for water quality. And without water quality information, recreational water users can't make informed decisions to protect their health. So this summer Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has a plan, but we’ll need your help. Yesterday we launched our first ever crowdfunding campaign. It's called, Swimmable Lake Ontario.


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