Swim Drink Fish Blog

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4 Reasons Why You're Not at the Beach Right Now
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4 Reasons Why You're Not at the Beach Right Now

People love beaches. One in four Canadians will visit a beach this year. One in three Canadians says that their fondest memories of outdoor activities involve water. We love beaches so much that we will spend 13 weeks of our lives at the beach. This begs the question - why aren’t we all at the beach right now?

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Toronto’s beach renaissance
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Toronto’s beach renaissance

Last week, the Great Lakes Beach Association held their 2014 conference in Toronto where a spectrum of beach monitors gathered: scientists, government representatives, educators, researchers, and health unit officials. And the level engagement was incredible.

Toronto’s best kept secret is how much we love our beaches.

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Toronto residents need alerts when City dumps sewage into Lake Ontario, argues Waterkeeper in new legal application (Press Release)
Toronto Sewage Bypasses Allie Kosela Toronto Sewage Bypasses Allie Kosela

Toronto residents need alerts when City dumps sewage into Lake Ontario, argues Waterkeeper in new legal application (Press Release)

For Immediate Release - The City of Toronto has a sewage problem that could affect public health says Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. The organization’s co-founders filed a legal application with the Province of Ontario today asking the city to issue alerts when it bypasses sewage into public waterways.

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