Swim Drink Fish Blog

Read the latest updates and news releases about community science, water monitoring, Artists for Water, and more.

Whatever happened to Toronto sewage alerts?

Whatever happened to Toronto sewage alerts?

In August 2015, Waterkeeper announced that Toronto residents would soon receive alerts when wet weather sends sewage and stormwater into Lake Ontario. It’s now May 2017. It rained hard last week. Bacteria in the Toronto Harbour spiked. So what's happening? When can you expect to see those wet weather alerts?

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Results are in: Reporting on Toronto Harbour’s water quality and sewage pollution
TorontoHarbour Monitoring Guest User TorontoHarbour Monitoring Guest User

Results are in: Reporting on Toronto Harbour’s water quality and sewage pollution

Yesterday, Waterkeeper's VP Krystyn Tully presented our much-anticipated Toronto Harbour Report to a room filled with boaters, paddlers, surfers, swimmers, and water lovers from around the city. Attendees watched as all of our findings were revealed in our video report, which will be published online in December. In case you weren't able to attend, here is a sneak peek.

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TorontoHarbour Monitoring, Toronto Sewage Bypasses Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper TorontoHarbour Monitoring, Toronto Sewage Bypasses Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and Swim Guide sign on to Public Notification for CSOs in the Great Lakes

On September 23, 2016, Waterkeepers of the Great Lakes Region, including Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and Swim Guide, signed onto comments for the “Public Notification for Combined Sewer Overflows in the Great Lakes." 

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Waterkeeper's presentation to Toronto's PWI Committee on the Pollution Prevention Program
Toronto Sewage Bypasses Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper Toronto Sewage Bypasses Posted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

Waterkeeper's presentation to Toronto's PWI Committee on the Pollution Prevention Program

On November 12, 2015, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper's Public Interest Articling Fellow, Tristan Willis and Legal Practicum Student, Hannah Gladstone presented to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee at City Hall in Toronto on the proposed change to the Pollution Prevention Program (“P2” Program). This is what we presented.

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