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Submission to Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan Committee
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

Submission to Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan Committee

The Hamilton Harbour and Region Remedial Action Plan (HHRAP) team has released a report entitled Status Report on the Degradation of Aesthetics Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) XI in the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan. The Report presents findings from aesthetic observations and makes the case that the status of this BUI be re-designated from “Impaired” to “Not Impaired.”

The Hamilton RAP Report suggests that Hamilton Harbour’s waters are now “free from persistent objectionable unnatural deposit, unnatural colour, objectionable odour, or unnatural turbidity (e.g., oil slick or surface scum).”

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper (“Waterkeeper”) does not agree with this assessment.

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