
Lake Ontario is a vibrant and unique body of water, but it also needs our help. In 2013, there were 3,024 beach advisories on Lake Ontario. These water quality advisories cost Ontario more than $250-million in lost economic value and contributed to an estimated 78,000 waterborne illnesses. Seven communities in our watershed experienced drinking water advisories. And there were fish consumption restrictions on every fish in the lake. 

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s job is to help communities protect swimmable, drinkable, fishable water. We educate and support individuals and organizations working for clean water. We also investigate threats to the watershed and participate in fact-based processes like license reviews, environmental assessments, and legal hearings. 

We discover cases by spending time on the water or by listening to the many individuals and organizations who report their concerns to our organization. Every case begins with a deep respect for the community. We visit sites, conduct research, compile facts, and document the issue. 

Every case Waterkeeper pursues is an attempt to strengthen protections in a specific community. When site-specific projects aren’t enough, we work on local, provincial, state, or federal policy issues that will protect many communities all at once.

Toronto Monitoring Hub - Learn about Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s Toronto Monitoring Hub, including sample results and combined sewer information.

Canadian Rollbacks - The federal government has thoroughly and systematically re-written virtually every Canadian environmental law in recent years. Most of the changes were made with little opportunity for public involvement and against the advice of legal and scientific experts, including Lake Ontario Waterkeeper.

Pickering Nuclear Life Extension - The current PNGS operating license expires in August 2018. Ontario Power Generation is currently applying to continue operations until 2028. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Tribunal is set to review the conditions of the PNGS license. Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is intervening.

Microplastics - High concentrations of tiny plastics are found in lakes, rivers, oceans, and on shorelines. Learn more about microplastics and the threat they pose to the Great Lakes. (Photo courtesy: Lake Ontario Waterkeeper).

Eastern Mainline Pipeline - TransCanada has ended its bid to build both the Energy East and Eastern Mainline pipelines. Learn more about the Eastern Mainline pipeline and our involvement in the hearing process.

Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment - If refurbished without upgrading its cooling water system, the Darlington Nuclear Plant will prove fatal to thousands of fish for decades to come.

Great Lakes Protection Act - Ontario passed groundbreaking legislation in 2015 intended to keep the Great Lakes "swimmable, drinkable, fishable." Passing the legislation was just a start. To protect the Great Lakes, Ontario will have to use its powers and responsibilities wisely.

Toronto Sewage Bypass Alerts - In July 2014, Waterkeeper called for the City of Toronto to notify the public for all sewage bypasses. In June 2017, Toronto began issuing bypass alerts in real time.

Hamilton Beach Appeal - The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper intervened in the Hamilton Beach site court hearing on May 23, 2018. The implications of the court’s decision will fundamentally affect the implementation of the Environmental Protection Act in Ontario.

Toronto Islands, including Billy Bishop Airport and Hanlan Beach - What will an expansion of the Billy Bishop Airport mean for the Toronto Harbour and Hanlans Beach? We are working to protect these natural resources for all Torontonians.

Line 9B Oil Pipeline - Enbridge's pipeline crosses at least 36 waterways in the Lake Ontario watershed. Keep reading to learn what Waterkeeper is doing to protect those waterways from oil spills and accidents.

Supreme Court Success - Working with the Canadian Environmental Law Association in support of Ontario, we championed the precautionary principle in a 2013 Supreme Court of Canada case - and won.

Bringing Back the American Eel - 30 years ago, the American Eel made up half of all life in Lake Ontario. Today, it is endangered. Read on to see what Waterkeeper is doing to protect this fascinating fish.

Saving Oshawa’s Waterfront - The Oshawa Harbour region is home to some of Lake Ontario's most precious wetlands. Read on to see what we're doing to help reconnect residents with the water and protect the area from a proposed ethanol facility.