Swim Drink Fish Blog

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Your story has the power to change the future
Guest User Guest User

Your story has the power to change the future

Somewhere, some waterbody is part of who you are.

Some people, when they hear those words, are immediately transported. They go to the lake where they jumped off the same dock, summer after summer. They go to the river that guided them on their first canoe trip.

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Art, Advocacy, & My Path To Watermark
Dana Jackson Dana Jackson

Art, Advocacy, & My Path To Watermark

I was raised on rock and roll. For me, Bowie, Lennon, and Strummer were more like father figures than elusive rock stars, and their lyrics were like welcome parental advice. I still crave songs illustrating hope, creativity, and social advocacy so it should be no surprise to learn that I’ve grown into a massive The Tragically Hip fan. By Dana Jackson, Watermark Project Coordinator

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Watermarks with impact: Ripples becoming waves
Ruby Pajares Ruby Pajares

Watermarks with impact: Ripples becoming waves

If you’ve been following us for the past few months, you might have wondered why we’re focused on collecting water stories – what we call Watermarks. Why are we asking Canadians to tell us their strongest memories of water? What can happen when people know their connection to water?

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The 6 qualities of a water leader
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

The 6 qualities of a water leader

I’ve been asked this question over and over again and I always come back to the same notion: the people who make the smartest choices for their communities are the ones who understand their personal connection to water. But who are they? And what qualifies them to lead?

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Introducing the National Water Centre and the Watermark Project
Mark Mattson Mark Mattson

Introducing the National Water Centre and the Watermark Project

With the first announcement of the “Watermark Project”, the National Water Centre is asserting that discovering, collecting and sharing watermarks is in our national interest. The Project aims to capture 35-million watermarks in the coming years (one for every Canadian).

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