Swim Guide
E. Coli and Enterococcus Levels? Check current water quality conditions at over 10,000 beaches, lakes, rivers, and swimming holes with Swim Guide.

What is Swim Guide?
Swim Guide is a beach and recreational water information service that connects millions of people local waters each year.
With both its web platform and mobile app, Swim Guide makes it easy for you to connect with water by helping you find places to go, and learn the water quality conditions before diving in.
Three reasons you need Swim Guide
Find nearby beaches
Check if a beach is clean enough to swim today
Connect with people protecting your favourite beaches
Be part of the most popular beach information service in the world. Join over 10 million Swim Guide users and find the beach that’s just right for you

Nearly two thirds of Canadians head off to a beach each year only to find it is closed. There are 90 million recreational water illnesses in the USA per year.
Don’t be a statistic.
Get started with Swim Guide
On every Swim Guide beach page, you will also find an integrated map and weather updates. You’ll have access to customized information relevant to your particular beach, such as amenities, lifeguards, how to get there, and where to park.

Find a beach in 11 countries:
Swim Guide has beaches in Canada, USA, Mexico (Baja California), the Bahamas, Ireland, France, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Costa Rica, and Kenya.
The Royal Bank of Canada is a premier partner of Swim Drink Fish through their ‘Tech for Nature’ program and the RBC Foundation. With RBC’s support, Swim Guide has been able to expand its capacity and develop new tools on its platforms, including pollution reporting tools, new beach submission tools, and new beach navigation features. Read more about Swim Drink Fish’s partnership with RBC.
Recent news about Swim Guide
We want to better help you understand sewage issues, to better help you get into the water more often, where you know it's okay to do so. This is what we call water literacy. It's one of the initial steps in helping you become a community advocate in supporting swimmable, drinkable, fishable water for everyone